Owner & Encumbrance Report

Versatile's manually researched and verified Property Ownership & Encumbrance (O&E) reports provide the most up to date and accurate information on a property and owner.

The Basic O & E Report includes the current vesting, full legal description, current tax information, open mortgages, open liens secured by the property and unsecured liens and judgments pertaining to the owner, along with the title chain and related documents.

The Two Owner O & E Report delivers the same comprehensive insight as the Basic report, but goes one step further to provide details on both current and prior owner liens and judgements.

Search done by searching from the current date backwards, Details like Vesting Deed, Current Tax status, county assessment information, open mortgages, judgments, liens, and legal description will be captured. This search is usually done for origination of Home Equity transactions, short sale, foreclosure auctions, and pre-tax auctions

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We know that every realtionship is built on trust, derived from consistent and reliable communication. therefore, we are commited to earning and keeping our clients trust from the begining of the relationship and throughout the entire process.

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Versatile uses only the latest, cutting-edge software and hardware. Our team’s certifications are always up to date, and we pride ourselves on innovation and adaptability for our clients.

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We believe our culture sets us apart. Our commitment to service and ability to operate 100% onshore, offshore, or a combination of both creates an organizational focus on serving our clients effectively and efficiently.

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We’ve never lost any data to a power, system, server, or network failure. We’ve never had a random or targeted data breach. All of our data has multiple redundancies, so even catastrophic events will not result in a loss.

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When you partner with us, you’re collaborating with a highly trained team of professionals with proven industry experience. Our services include one of the most highly trained teams of professionals in the business. And we routinely save our clients 40% or more.